We’re independent in our ownership and our thinking, so our solutions are free from vested interests.
We don’t do ‘everything’. We focus on what will help you achieve your objectives and deliver real-world impact.
We work as partners with leadership teams, bringing our expertise to support or lead the brand transition.
We believe in a meeting of energy as much as a meeting of minds to transform organisations at pace.
Nick Barthram
Nick ensures everything is focused on business growth – rooted in evidence and insight. Having held marketing strategy and research roles in a number of agencies, he’s helped countless businesses find their purpose and embed it in their communications and behaviour.
“How can you be confident you've made the most of your marketing budget? Simply work with Nick”
Alan Thorpe, Global Business Director, Indicia Worldwide
Sarah Platt
Having found her natural home in creatively led businesses, Sarah combines her finance and commercial skills with her marketing knowledge to help organisations to grow. Experienced with investors, marketers, founders and Boards.
“Her resilience, integrity, professionalism and admirable work ethic would make her an asset to any business”
Anne Stagg, UK CEO Merkle and Dentsu CSM at Merkle
Ian Bates
Ian’s career has largely been spent building brands at the intersection of creativity, data and technology. He remains passionate about the power of ideas and the potential in people to bring both commercial and personal growth. He’s also the voice of CRHEATE. You can subscribe on LinkedIn.
“He is a stand-out creative mind”
Doug Killick – Non-Executive Director and business owner
Firehaus has an extensive network of stand out talent ranging from highly awarded Creatives, Film Producers and Digital Technologists to Investors, Digital Media hot-shops, Researchers and Organisational Psychologists. That way you only pay for what you need, when you need it. Commercial and creative common sense we think.
Brand Position // Brand Idea // Brand Behaviour
Led by Nick, Ian and Associate Partner, Merry Scott Jones.
Giving our expertise to NFP’s
When we launched Firehaus we made a commitment. Every year we’d support an organisation with pro bono work and a percentage of our profits. We’ve lived up to this commitment, even during the pandemic because it is central to who we are. We want to be the change we want to see. Return Fire is our programme of support for not-for-profits or social enterprises that are doing good for the greater good. We’ve been busy on the following projects…