Can universities increase salience over their bigger rivals?
Think differently, act boldly, and play by your own rules to create breakthroughs and reshape the landscape.
Universities Should Be the Most Exciting Brands in the World
Many universities, even those with incredible legacies, don’t see themselves as brands like Nike or Apple do. They may have reputations, even prestigious ones, but brand? That’s something they associate with products, not education. And that’s where they’re missing an opportunity.
The obsession with rankings
Who are you beyond your ranking?
If numbers are your only story don’t be surprised if you are judged solely on them.
But they’re not.
You’ve got so much more to build a brand on.
Three Foundations For Higher Ed Rebrands
Imagine this: a university decides it’s time for a rebrand. The excitement is palpable—new logos, fresh messaging, and a chance to redefine how students, staff, and partners see them. But as the project gets underway, cracks start to show. Departments are out of sync, the core messaging feels disjointed, and the new brand struggles to gain traction.
Ignite your university brand – don’t necessarily rebrand it
"We rebranded a couple of years ago, but it didn’t quite hit the mark." Sound familiar?
We hear that a lot.
Understandably, the idea of another big, costly overhaul isn’t appealing.
But that doesn’t mean your brand has to stay stuck.
3 Things to Nail Before Your Institution's Next Rebrand
Let’s be honest: many institutions leap into a rebrand, hoping it’ll magically solve their communication challenges. But without some solid groundwork, a rebrand is just a fancy new logo or a glossy new website. If you want it to work, there are three key steps you need to take first.
Brands are there to be ignited
I spent the summer break thinking about how creativity can support universities to respond to the well-documented challenges. As difficult as these are, tough times inevitably force change – which can be good.
Are you Refresh Ready?
In the rapidly evolving landscape of higher education, a rebrand can be a powerful tool to reposition an institution, attract new students, and better communicate its values and offerings. However, embarking on a rebrand without proper preparation can lead to wasted resources and missed opportunities.
How to craft a powerful identity for university research and innovation
LIVE from Bristol Tech Festival - Watch our talk on how to build a brand for greater research and innovation impact.
Differentiation v Distinction. For most there's only one winner
Drop differentiation and go for distinction. There's always an opportunity to be more distinct than the competition.
Don't settle for less
Light+Heat combines empirical evidence from research and data with creativity to diagnose your current state and framework a future state.
Be a thing. Not a no-thing.
Universities are complex organisms by nature, with many internal and external stakeholders requiring different things. So compromise is the order of the day.
But what are you often left with. A box-ticking exercise and not much more?
How to define your university's values
Done right, defining a clear set of university values can shape your culture, how people interact together, and galvanise them behind a shared vision.
We share a few thoughts on how best to approach the task.
How to make collaboration work between university and external creative teams
The experience, knowledge and passion of your internal team can be blended with the challenge, broad-sector experience and outsider perspective of an external team.
Creatively that relies on two key elements.
How to create a rocketship team for your next brand project
If you want better stakeholder alignment, engagement and effectiveness on your next brand or marketing project, consider assembling a Rocketship team. We explain what it is, why it works and how to go about creating one.
Too often, pontification is the enemy of progress
In our experience, the tendency for universities and innovation hubs to delve into details and miss the big story determines whether a brand is actually launched/redefined or not.
This tendency is common in both the commercial and academic worlds.
This might help to get you started.
How to make actions speak louder than words
Your university, faculty or innovation hub may have resolved the important challenges of defining its Purpose, Mission, Vision and Values – and it may have found a way to tell a powerful, engaging story. So you may feel you're done, right?
Unfortunately, this is where things often fall down.
How to give your brand cut-through
Complex organisations with multiple stakeholders like universities, faculties, and innovation hubs, can lead to equally complicated narratives.
👊 This makes cut-through to your audiences incredibly difficult. So simplifying the complex is critical.
👍 Here's a provocation, a potential solution and some practical examples of how it's been applied.