Are you a Have or Have Not?
The renewable energy of creativity can power innovation, adaptability and growth in uncertain times.
We set up Firehaus out of conviction, not convenience.
Significant areas of the marketing sector had lost their purpose and forgotten to solve problems for people in the real-world.
The prevailing ‘buy-it-from-the-menu’ approach predetermined solutions to problems that hadn’t been articulated. This relegated the value of true insight, prioritising logic over magic.
The evidence of our combined experience, outreach to industry leaders around the world and academic study proved it fact not fiction.
Many brands and agencies are running on rails. No diversions or change of track. Consequently, no new destinations.
The power of creativity is being ignored in favour of efficiency, with fewer opportunities to reframe challenges and create value.
For many, creativity has gone MIA.
Which is strange. Because when you ask, as we have, everyone says they want more creativity, especially in senior circles.
The Dentsu Aegis CMO Survey 2019 discovered ‘85% believe creativity is critical to future business success, 54% believe they are delivering well today,’
Gartner suggests ‘Creativity is one of the hallmarks of high-performance teams. It enables you to innovate and stay ahead of the competition.’
You may recognise this.
We see businesses split between the Haves and Have Nots – those who recognise the power of creativity and apply it. And those who don’t.
Are you a Have or Have Not?
Have you identified and articulated why your business exists?
Have you got a clear proposition?
Have you nurtured a fearless culture?
Have you supported risk-taking?
The Haves want more. They know it’s a foundation of adaptability, resilience and growth. And fun!
The Have Nots need to rediscover it for survival.
What they have in common is neither can wait.
So we’ve investigated and established the Conditions required to ignite Creativity in business, driving innovation, ambition and competitive advantage.
Creativity is a renewable energy that can power your business – invaluable in times of uncertainty and change.
Maybe you can use the Conditions for Creativity to close the gap between what your business wants to be.
And what it is.