Guest User Guest User

6 questions managers of remote teams can ask to help foster fresh thinking

Much has been said of late about the subject of home or remote working, often from the perspective of the home-worker themselves. But what about the managers of remote teams keen to support how fresh thinking can happen? We re-think what is meant by ‘creative environment’ and provide advice on how managers can therefore help shape it.

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Nick Barthram Nick Barthram

Google's new 'Messy Middle'​ - what's it all about?

Messy Middle? What are you talking about?

I’m glad you asked. The ‘messy middle’ is a new concept from a recent report from Google on how consumers make decisions about purchases. Think of it as a potential replacement for the marketing funnel, marketing’s Schrödinger's cat.

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Ian Bates Ian Bates

This is Purpose. Do this.

The Future of the Corporation initiative from The British Academy rightly positions Purpose in the boardroom not the marketing department. But that should ignite more creativity, transparency and trust.

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Nick Barthram Nick Barthram

Discovidery survey reveals how the Covid-19 crisis has affected marketers in the South West

We’ve brought together a group of like-minded partners to discover how the Covid-19 crisis was impacting the marketing strategies and activities of the brands and suppliers based here. The Discovidery survey is the result. By discovering more we can understand more and play an active role in the sector’s recovery from the pandemic. Our view being that greater collaboration enhances the prospects of all.

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Ian Bates Ian Bates

Meet the Crew: In conversation with fashion photographer Paul Whitfield

I’ve been lucky enough to work with Paul on many occasions. It’s been interesting to see how he allowed his instincts and ‘eye’ to guide his creativity, rather than being a style copyist. His visceral approach to image making found it’s natural home in fashion. So let’s find out more.

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Nick Barthram Nick Barthram

Scenario Planning - What's it all about?

Scenario planning? What are you talking about?

I’m glad you asked. Scenario planning is a way of undertaking strategic thinking and planning with uncertainty baked-in. It allows you to plan and prepare even when you’re not entirely sure which way the world is going.

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Guest User Guest User

Growth: could Grayson have the answer?

What can a creative mindset teach us about handling uncertainty and driving business growth? In our latest blog, we explore ways in which the worlds of art and business are not so dissimilar.

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Nick Barthram Nick Barthram

The Countdown to End FGM - Firehaus & UN Women UK

Today is ‘International Day of Zero Tolerance for Female Genital Mutilation’. As named days go it’s a bit of mouthful and doesn’t quite convey the level of the problem. Unfortunately, the stats are clear - on average every 10 seconds a young girl is painfully mutilated by FGM. They’re usually under 5 when this happens.

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Guest User Guest User

Are you overlooking the No.1 skill your business needs?

20 years into our digital skills-driven century, the need for creativity in the workplace is taking centre-stage again. Unlocking people’s potential to think creatively can energise a business and fuel success. But have we lost our ability to do this, and if so how can we best recapture it? We take a look at the case for creativity, and how embracing the season’s natural instinct for reflection and renewal to build creativity into your company’s learning and development resolutions for the coming year is a great way to underpin those freshly-minted business objectives. 

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Ian Bates Ian Bates

Beware of strangers. Diversity might just upset your pitch – for good.

The mind is like a toolbox.

It’s a metaphor that’s particularly useful in pitch situations. It’s why having a pitch team is so important – adding more tools to the toolbox. Expanding group knowledge, skills and experience.

But what if all these additions were pretty much different shades of the same thing? All the same kind of tool you might say.

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Nick Barthram Nick Barthram

The new IPA ‘Lemon’ report - what’s it all about?

Lemon? What are you talking about?

Last week, as part of their Effweek programme, the IPA released their latest effectiveness report - Lemon, by Orlando Wood of System1.

What’s the central argument of the report?

That left-brain type thinking is taking over marketing and advertising, resulting in a loss of effectiveness…

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Ian Bates Ian Bates

Roll up, roll up for the merry-go-round

At our recent Cannes Insider event with guest presenter and Firehaus pal Patrick Collister, a couple of things struck me – again. 

For once it wasn’t a bottle of cider flung by an outraged observer (we’re a rebellious bunch out west). It was how sections of the industry seem to be complicit in a Big Problem Solved merry-go-round.

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Nick Barthram Nick Barthram

Zen and the Art of Artificial Intelligence

Most general understanding of Zen includes the concept of Zen koans, short questions of stories which are difficult, sometimes impossible, to answer. What is the sound of one hand clapping? Can a submarine swim? That kind of thing.

Can AI ask questions to prompt us to think in a different way? Could an AI open our minds with a Zen koan that makes us think more creatively (useful, new and surprising). The benefits would be great.

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Ian Bates Ian Bates

The hamster wheel of doom

If there’s one thing that seems to unite all marketers right now it’s how busy they are. Everyone. Busy, busy, busy. Late for meetings. Lunch at the desk. Can’t make drinks after work. Miss the offsite event. No time to think. A real busy bunch. With all that energy, effort and expertise expended, we must be having the time of our lives?

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Nick Barthram Nick Barthram

Think creativity is important? Time to put your money where your mouth is

Let me guess - you think creativity at work is important, right?

Great, you should do. McKinsey found that companies in the top quarter of their creativity score ranking performed better on three key measures - organic revenue growth, return to shareholders and EBITDA, in their 2017 'Creativity’s bottom-line - How winning companies turn creativity into business value and growth' report.

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Guest User Guest User

Meet the Crew: in conversation with Dawn Walter, social anthropologist

Our Crew is a big part of how Firehaus approaches challenges differently. In this month’s Meet the Crew we chat to Dawn Walter, social anthropologist and founder of the Anthropology + Technology Conference 2019, about how the field of anthropology can help brands glean richer consumer insight.

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