

Are you prepared for creativity and growth?

Leading a business during a time of change and uncertainty is difficult. We know. We’ve been there too. You need all the support you can get to ensure that time, energy and money are invested in the right places to drive creativity, resilience and growth.

That’s where Spark comes in.

Spark is our proprietary process that assesses the Conditions for Creativity – Purpose, People and Culture. Underpinned by a wealth of academic theory, comparative data and extensive experience, it will give you rapid insights and independent, unbiased advice.

Prioritise interventions required to make the best use of time and money.

Prioritise interventions required to make the best use of time and money.

Identify unexpected strengths and weaknesses. Or have any hunches independently verified.

Identify unexpected strengths and weaknesses. Or have any hunches independently verified.

Evaluate the gap between potential and delivery.

Evaluate the gap between potential and delivery.

The report, results and recommendations can empower your leadership team. It can also be part of a business-wide presentation to engage teams in an action plan. Of course, all data is anonymised and the report can remain confidential if required.

‘The exercise has opened our eyes to some powerful insights on an individual level and for the wider business’

Managing Director, Digital Media Agency

The Spark Process

We’ve made it simple and flexible to deploy.

The report might confirm suspicions, surprise or even disappoint. But once you know where you stand you can act. And action is what it’s all about.

Rediscover and apply the power of creativity
Drive innovation
Improve collaboration
Build shared values
Increase motivation
Foster a can-do spirit

‘Firehaus has not only helped us reflect on the good things we’re doing, it’s shown us where we need to reboot in order to build an agency of merit that will last’

Business Owner, Creative Agency

Whether you’re a have or have not – pushing creativity to the next level or rediscovering it to survive – Spark offers timely and actionable insights. It’s a perfect companion to:

Business planning
Client/Agency relationship building
Embarking on business transformation
Reorganising departments or teams
Preparing for in-housing or training
Transitioning back to some form of office working
Gearing up for sale


‘Spark has delivered clear insights about the potential of the business. The analysis has both confirmed and challenged areas we can develop to maximise this opportunity. An invaluable stock-take for leaders’

Managing Director, Media Brand


You can’t have enough of it. But you can have too little.

If you’re ready to discover how your business measures up, we’re ready to help.

Contact us now to discuss how Spark could work for you, or click below to see a sample report:

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