Insight from UK leaders in university innovation and enterprise
We invited experts responsible for innovation and enterprise initiatives at the Universities of Bristol, Bath and Loughborough to share their practical experiences of creating distinctive, investment-winning brands. Read what they had to say.
Why Bristol. Why now.
Innovation is thriving in many parts of the world right now. And Bristol is one of them. The city in the southwest of the UK may have gone a little under the radar, but this excellent presentation given at the Festival of Enterprise by Marty Reid, Director of Engine Shed, should help to put it firmly in the spotlight.
Protect your cycling business, build your brand
The pandemic has been a mixed blessing for cycling businesses – unprecedented demand but serious supply-side issues. Things are starting to look like they’re returning to normal but, as with other things skewed by the crazy last two years, there’s a chance that this spike is just the acceleration of things which would have happened anyway, and we might be facing a dip on the horizon.
5 ways universities can ignite their Enterprise and Innovation brands
Brand stand-out is vital if you want businesses to think of you when they’re considering where to invest and who to partner with. So here are 5 ways universities seeking to grow their enterprise and innovation income can create distinctive and memorable brands.
The future of engineering
We took a peek into the world of transdisciplinary engineering when we helped give academic consortium PLD (People Led Digitalisation) a visual identity. Within the prevailing guidelines of Made Smarter Innovation, we were able to create a design that put the human into the brand. See what we did there?
Launching Bristol's first Festival of Enterprise
The inaugural Festival of Enterprise at the University of Bristol was a celebratory showcase of Bristol’s enterprise-based activities. It brought people together for a mind-blowing series of talks, workshops and displays. We were delighted to be involved with scripts and direction across this inspiring event.
Why most universities are missing out on their share of Innovation and Enterprise income
Collaboration between industry and the burgeoning number of university innovation and enterprise hubs is more vital than ever. So why are so many higher education institutions missing out on their share of commercial income?
Make the complicated simple
Simplicity of messaging is one of the hardest things to achieve, but it’s essential if you want to cut through to make an impact. This is particularly true for University spinouts or brands at the intersection of academia, innovation and enterprise.
Vittoria launches Great Expectations campaign
Great Expectations is a series of mini-docs and social content that reveals the inner thoughts of professional riders as they reflect on what cycling means to them.
University of Bristol launches The Enterprise Sessions
The Enterprise Sessions is a content series created to inspire entrepreneurs and help them to realise impact from their ideas. Prof. Michele Barbour interviews founders, researchers and academics from different disciplines and career stages who’ve been part of the University of Bristol’s Enterprise ecosystem.
How can cycling brands and retailers overcome the curse of content?
Everyone knows that ‘content is king’ in growing your brand and acquiring (and retaining) new customers, but most categories struggle to find the right source material.
If you’re selling fast food, or FMCG (fast moving consumer goods) products, what exactly do you put into your content?
Beth and Ian in judgement days
Beth and Ian have been selected to judge the National Startup Awards and the British Business Awards 2022 respectively.
Firehaus wraps up first quarter with a duo of wins
Brand consultancy begins work with Vivo Life and supports the University of Bristol in the development of a commercial Quantum offering.
Seeking investment? 5 reasons to get your brand right first
It’s incredibly common for start-ups and scale-ups to undervalue their brand, focusing instead solely on the product they’re selling. This is all well and good, but it will only get you so far. Every business reaches a point where the strategies and activities they deployed to build traction and drive repeatable business stop working as effectively.
Why marketing and advertising are at fault over climate change and what we can do next
Climate change didn’t happen yesterday. Like winter, it’s been coming. We caused it and we know how to stop it. We just haven’t...yet. Let’s hope COP26 finds an unexpected breakthrough in global solidarity.
I heard Paddy Loughman from the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change sum up our situation in the phrase “climate change is the new context for everything”. And he’s right.
It’s easy to apportion blame, a lot easier than pointing the finger at yourself. So I decided to start there and ask myself the question - am I the problem?
The Deadly Seven Sins Of Branding
When it comes to brand development, start-up logic goes something like this: ‘If the product is strong enough – and we know ours is – the brand will take care of itself.’ Unfortunately, that’s flawed thinking. When founders understand the fact that building a brand is crucial in order to grow at scale, it’s usually a little late: sales have already plateaued.
Here are the top seven brand development trip hazards and how to avoid them.
Our first Firehaus brand campaign
Expanding beyond early adopters to a wider pool of prospective B2B customers means building awareness beyond your existing network. Take a look at how we’ve approached this stage in our own journey with our first ever Firehaus brand campaign.
Firehaus scoops Company Shop, UKRI and Tickitto accounts
We’re thrilled to announce Firehaus has scooped the Company Shop Group account amongst a trio of new business wins as we continue to help organisations gear up for significant growth.
On the Edge with Vittoria MTB tyres
Vittoria has launched its first YouTube advertising campaign to raise awareness of the brand in one of its key growth sectors – mountain biking.
Top 10 mistakes scale-ups make about their brand
How important is having a clear and compelling brand when you’re looking to scale your business? Organisations at this critical stage of growth often downplay the role brand plays. Here are the top 10 mistakes we’ve seen in action when it comes to brand-building.