Return Fire: Giving our expertise to NFPs
At our launch we made a commitment to support an organisation every year with pro bono work and a percentage of our profits. So Return Fire is our programme of support for NFPs or social enterprises that are doing good for the greater good. Read all about what we’ve been up to over our first 2 years.
NYC startup Sproos! selects Firehaus to assist in funding round
Sproos! is on a mission – to become America’s go-to brand for millennial renters when they move, renovate, and eventually become homeowners. And we’re chuffed to be helping them.
Sometimes a little means a lot
This little film was the only promotion for the L’Eroica 2021 cotton tubular tyre. Launched at 6 pm on Friday 30th July it was sold out by 7 pm.
USA Cycling and Vittoria partner up
We help USA Cycling and Vittoria celebrate their partnership. Supporting all levels of cycling – from grassroots to the Olympics teams.
Why scale-ups need to activate their employer brand
Leading a business through its scale-up phase of accelerated growth comes with a new set of challenges. Switching focus from product to brand to reach new audiences is a priority. But founders need to ignite their newly honed brand with their growing team of employees too if they want their scale-up to rise to the top.
How to build a business (during a pandemic)
Any startup finds itself on a steep learning curve in its first couple of years of existence.
For Firehaus, 14 months of our first 2 years have been lived through the pandemic. It’s made the process of answering and addressing these questions trickier, but even more essential.
Data shouldn't be divorced from brand
How you use data could be as distinct to your brand as your visual identity.
Brand Data if you like.
Vittoria takes on the world
Our promo film pitches Vittoria at the cutting edge of MTB with the striking new visual style. Featured on giant screens at events around the world and across digital channels.
DEFINING YOUR POSITIONING - From a Great Product to a Great Brand pt.2
In the previous post, Ian covered critical parts of developing your brand from the inside out. Why you exist. Who you are. What your plan is. All incredibly important parts of defining your brand. But, all about you.
DEFINING YOUR BRAND - From a Great Product to a Great Brand pt.1
We were invited by SETsquared, the world’s No1 University Business Incubator, to run a workshop for 15 startups on the principles underpinning the creation of a brand.
Here’s a summary of From a Great Product to a Great Brand – Episode 1.
The revolution in road cycling
Our eye-catching campaign Invisible Protector for the innovative new Airliner product created a tension between what’s seen and what isn’t. Produced in association with Vittoria, Yanzi Creative and the EF Nippo team, we delivered a series of Hero, Hub and Help assets for digital media, building on The Ride Ahead brand idea.
Why we need to unpick purpose
Is purpose an indulgence business can scarce afford faced with the more immediate challenges brought about in the wake of Covid? To answer that we surely have to first define what we mean by purpose in the first place. Here’s why the way we think about purpose is worth unpicking.
There’s nothing remote about remote working
As the business world begins a journey to whatever normal is, one thing is for sure – it won’t require everyone in the office all the time.
During the past year, one lesson has crystallized for me. In or out of office, creativity requires clarity. In fact, there are nine conditions for creativity – but overall it dies without clarity.
Goodbye 20. Hello 21. And all that jazz
What did Firehaus learn last year that we’d like to pass on? Read on dear friend…
Are you a Have or Have Not?
The renewable energy of creativity can power innovation, adaptability and growth in uncertain times.
Got it?
Am I the problem?
When I put my marketer and marker pens to bed at night the question returns.
‘Am I the problem when it comes to the climate crisis?’
Don't settle for a 'new normal' when we can do better.
What marketers can do about it and how Lou Reed might help.
Maximise the sale value of your business
Five tips to help you get your marketing aligned before the buyers arrive.
Why finding your purpose is critical for startups - whatever your product
Purpose-this, purpose-that. The marketing industry is tearing itself up arguing about whether it ‘works’ in ads or not (and thereby missing the point). All the while investors and businesses are slowly coming around to the idea that you can not only make profits and do good but that you will make more profits if you do good.
7 things we’ve learnt from a year of diagnosing the conditions for creativity within businesses
Last year Firehaus launched Spark, our Conditions for Creativity diagnostic, with the specific intention of helping businesses identify what they’re currently doing to both boost and block creativity across all their staff.
Now, a year in and with the comparative data of 10 businesses and over 160 individuals have gone through the process, I thought it would be interesting to reflect on what we’ve learned along the way.